Hello readers, good morning from Hana here in this beautiful Sunday. I'm still in my bed with my baby sleeping soundly beside me. Hope you're reading my post on bed like me too. Let's cozy together in our own bed.
Yesterday was the last day of May!! What's waiting for us in June? I start my June in my holiday, guess you are too if you're a student or teacher like me in Malaysia.
Let's look forward June with A Photo A Day challenge. Last time I did challenge myself to take a photo everyday in May. But, I think I manage to take photo for 1 week and a few days more. Is an epic fail for me. And I can't believe it was last year May, a year ago, I joined for PhotoADayMay. Well, never mind, since today is the first day of June, I'll try my best for this coming month. Do you wanna join me??
Ok, this is an event call Photo A Day - June. It is a well popular event on instagram too. Try to look for hashtag #photoadaymay in instagram, there are a lot of people posting out their everyday challenge photo for last month. Some of them out there are really telanted and the photos are beautiful.
Come'on, stop talking and let's look at the list!!
Ok,ok.. Here's the list for THIS month.
Allow me to introduce a bit the creater of this wonderful list. She is an awesome Aussie blogger name Chantelle with her blog name fat mun slim. Feel free to visit her blog, you get a lot of surprise.
So, are you camera ready?? Nope, I'm smartphone ready. Is more easy nowsday with smartphone camera which after you snap the photo, then just post it up to social media directly. I'm not a big fan of editing picture also, although I admit that edited photos are nicer.
Now, together we smartphone ready and snap some great pictures. Don't forget to post it up to instagram or facebook and add in hashtag #PhotoADayJune and #fatmumslim to credit the creater. And also let's follow each other in instagram so I can share my snap with you too. Follow me in Instagram @nurhanalaw..
Join me.. @nurhanalaw
Join me again.. @nurhanalaw
Join me pretty... @nurhanalaw
Join me handsome... @nurhanalaw
Join me awesome... @nurhanalaw
I'm just a small lady with small ambition.
See you in instagram.
See you in my next photo a day challenge post.
Yeay! Let's cheer!!
One last thing, if you join this event by blogging please left a link in my comment box. I want to put a list down here. Sharing is caring, dear.
Challenge me together,
1. Photo Challenge 1/6/2014 - 7/6/2014
Sweet Cream Crochet Scarf, Free Pattern + Video
56 minutes ago
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