Hello people.
Not much to share about today, discover some nice cookies recipe while clearing my desk. Since I precious it that much, I think I better put it on internet. I can easily get it when I need and not need to worry that I lost it some where.
Well, it is just a simple cornflake cookies that I heart it so much. I ask my mom to get me the recipe from her good friend, Aunty 翠娟。
I managed to make the cookies without fail for several times. Somehow the recipe is an awesome discovery I got so far. I did post it out last time in my blog. There are some pictures of the cookies there.
Visit the post.
So, let's get started.
White Rock Recipe
Egg white - 240gm
Caster sugar - 300gm
Cream of tar tar -1/4tsp
Corn flake - 200gm
Chocolate chips - 300gm
Bake at 150°c for 25minutes.
Is it a surprise to find the recipe just so simple. Well, I guess I did tell your earlier. I just want to make sure I got everything right when I bake again next time.
That's for today.
Thanks for reading.
Ps: If you tried the recipe, send me some comment about it. I will glad to have someone share their thought with me.