What Time Is It?

I love crochet
I love making
I love blogging
I love dreaming
I love sentimental
I love photographing
I am shy
I am quiet
I am talkative
I like animation movie
I like beautiful drawing
I care for my love one
I care about how others feel
I care about what i am looking for
I care about how others think of me

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Herb - 草药

Today I learn something about herb. Something to remember until I'm old as the knowledge is so useful. My mom grow herb in the backyard garden. I was told so many times to recognize and remember the herb that grow in the yard. As usual, time pass by and I forget the name of the herb and how amazing it can cure disease and even cancer.

So, now i just blog it and this will forever record in this blog.

Funny things is, my mom didn't really tell me the name. She just emphasizes the use of it. So, pictures are needed to help me remember all those green plant that look almost similar.

Plant no.1. This plant can help lower the blood sugar in human body. Diabetes patient should give it a try.

plant1 - cure for diabetes side view
plant 1 - cure for diabetes

Plant no. 2 also for diabetes.
plant no. 2
Plant no.3 and no. 4 is for those who face kidney failure. I was told those plant can help regrow the cells in kidney.

plant no.3

plant no.4
My mom also reminded me that, take care of this plant well and look for the pests that grow in the leaf, that look like this.
Pluck away the infected leaf and the plant will stay healthy for long.

Lol..I'm so bad. All those plant suppose to have name,but I labelled them with number.

Ok, that's all for today. Too many I will forget again..Adios!


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